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I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.


This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are.


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  1. Auralda

  2. Básar

  3. Básar, yfir í Langadal

  4. Básar, að Hrunaá

  5. Básaskörð

  6. Bláfell

  7. Bólfell

  8. Búðarhamar

  9. Draugabólið við Fagraskóg

  10. Goðaland

  11. Gunnufuð

  12. Göltur

  13. Hamraskógar

  14. Hattur   

  15. Hátindar

  16. Heljarkambur

  17. Fimmvörðuháls 

  18. Hestagötur og Foldir 

  19. Húsadalur          

  20. Hvannárgil        

  21. Hvannárgil fremra           

  22. Krossárjökull     

  23. Krossárjökull syðri         

  24. Krossárjökull, nyrðri       

  25. Langidalur         

  26. Langidalur í Bása

  27. Litfari   

  28. Litli-endi

  29. Merkurbæir að Gígjökli   

  30. Merkurker         

  31. Merkurrani        

  32. Mófell  

  33. Múlatungur       

  34. Nauthúsagil       

  35. Réttarfell

  36. Réttarfell, yfir fjallið

  37. Rjúpnafell         

  38. Skerjaleiðin við Grýtutind

  39. Slyppugil          

  40. Snorraríki          

  41. Stakkholt          

  42. Stakkholtsgjá     

  43. Stakur  

  44. Stangarháls        

  45. Steinsholt         

  46. Steinsholtsjökull

  47. Stórendi

  48. Strákagil           

  49. Strákagil, Foldir, Hrunaá        

  50. Teigstungur       

  51. Tindfjöll           

  52. Tungnakvíslarjökull, N-leið    

  53. Tungnakvíslarjökull, S-leið     

  54. Útigönguhöfði    

  55. Útigönguhöfði, hringur    

  56. Útigönguhöfði, yfir hann  

  57. Valahnúkur        

  58. Valahnúkur, hringur        

  59. Þórsmörk 


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